Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tips for Writing Song Lyrics

At Mercer County Community College in New Jersey, Adam Porcher studies computer science. Adam Porcher also pursues musical and creative interests, which include writing song lyrics.

The process of writing song lyrics equates to capturing a moment of life simply, yet deeply. It requires the songwriter to trust his or her music and the capacity of that music to create emotion, to which the words then lend nuance and detail.

Many songwriters enjoy letting the music inspire the words, while others find that their words arise already attached to music. Either way, the songwriter must take care not to be overly flowery but rather to let the richness of the experience come through in the language.

Creating vivid language without excess verbiage can be challenging, so experts recommend taking some time to write descriptive paragraphs before turning to lyrics. One of the most effective techniques is to journal about a snapshot moment using language involving the senses, so that the songwriter can learn what the moment means and then make it come alive.

When the songwriter does begin to write in lines of lyric, rhyme can become a new challenge. It is important to remember that not all songs need to rhyme, and that lyrics without rhyme or with imperfect rhyme can sound even more conversational, spontaneous, and natural. The most important thing is to create words and phrases that flow smoothly, and that place clear images in the listener's mind.

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